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Sunday, May 3, 2009, 7:28 PM

Marina Barrage Pictures Here!
0830's photo blog Here! (credits to Jun Jie )

A very quick and short post this shall be. NE trip was to Marina Barrage and I think the whole class really got lots of nice pics there. Singaporeans are really pretty clever eh? No wonder we must be so stressed even at this age. So time to destress. Today I'm gonna teach how to make your own chocolate fondue!! =]


1. Fruits!! Lots of them. I recommend strawberries, bananas, apples, mango,etc
2. Pure Dark Couverture. Get them from Phoon Huat(cheapest there). A big packet for about $9
Check out the nearest Phoon Huat Shop from you here!!

3. Milk. Low Fat milk for those who mind their weight ._.

1. Pour couverture into a bowl.
Note: I'm not using phoon huat's converture this time

2. Put the bowl into a pot of boiling water
3. Add milk. Don't add water. Pour bit by bit.
4. Keep stirring. If you don't like it too thick stir and add milk till the texture suits your preference
5. Make sure your fruits are nicely cut and ready for the chocolate. If you don't have a fondue set don't panick. U hardly even need it! Mine's for display only lol. For reheating of fondue just put it back into the pan to heat up and melt more chocolate if u desire.
6. So tadaaaa!! Chocolate Fondue ready and served!